Vilnius returns to the motherland. The Middle Lithuania parliament decides.

On 8 January 1922 the elections to the Middle Lithuania parliament were held, officially an independent state with capital city in Vilnius, which proclamation was announced by gen. Lucjan Żeligowski on 12 October 1920, following a staged rebellion of his soldiers, who opposed the Vilnius Region incorporation to Lithuania. As the result of the election, the Middle Lithuania parliament was established, which during its session on 20 February 1922 adopted a resolution on incorporating Middle Lithuania to Poland. On 25 March the Vilnius parliament was dismissed and its competences transferred to Warsaw.

See: B. Kolarz, Ustrój Litwy Środkowej w latach 1920-1922 [The Middle Lithuania form of government in 1920-22], Gdańsk 2004. W. Jędrzejewicz, Litwa Środkowa i jej życie wewnętrzne [Middle Lithuania and its political home affairs], Londyn 1983.