The Confederated Sejm in Warsaw. 1776.

The Sejm was called in May, and the pre-Sejm local diets debated through July 1776. The Sejm opened proceedings on 26 August 1776. Andrzej Mokronowski and Andrzej Ogiński were elected Marshals. The Sejm was held under rules of confederation, forcing the Deputies to support the rules or be barred from participation. About 100 deputies were thus disqualified. The Sejm assented to the approval by the king, with appropriate adjustments, of the territorial border conventions resulting from the first partition of Poland. It laid down the ordinance for the Sejm tribunals as being competent to judge the members of the Permanent Council. The Permanent Council was granted the right to interpret the statutes and to suspend public officials. The king’s right to nominate military officers and to command four royal guard regiments was reinstated. The Sejm dissolved its session on 13 October 1776.

See: W. Konopczyński, Dzieje Polski nowożytnej (History of Modern Poland), vol. 2, Warsaw 1986; J. Michalski, Sejm w czasach panowania Stanisława Augusta, w: Historia sejmu polskiego (The Sejm during the reign of Stanisław August, in: History of the Polish Sejm), vol. 1, Warsaw 1984, edited by J. Michalski, pp. 350-419; Z. Zielińska, Sejmy polskie z lat 1764-1786, w: Parlamentaryzm w Polsce we współczesnej historiografii (The Polish Sejms from 1764-1786, in: Parliamentarism in Poland in contemporary historiography), edited by J. Bardach and W. Sudnik, Warsaw 1995, pp. 107-116; R. Łaszewski, Sejm polski w latach 1764-1793. Studium historyczno-prawne (The Polish Sejm in the years 1764-1793. Historical and legal study), Warsaw 1973; W. Filipczak, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej w dobie stanisławowskiej, w: Między konstytucją Nihil Novi a ustawodawstwem nowoczesnej demokracji. Parlamentaryzm polski w XVI-XX wieku (Sejms of the Commonwealth in the reign of Stanisław August, in: Between the Nihil Novi constitution and the legislation of modern democracy. Polish parliamentarianism in the 16th-20th centuries), edited by H. Gmiterka, S. Piątkowski, J. Wrona, Radom 2005, pp. 59-82. Ustawodawstwo (Legislation), see Volumina legum, Publisher. J. Ohryzko, vol. 8, Petersburg 1860, pp. 831-944.