Sejm in the times of August III. Ordinary Sejm in Warsaw. 1738 r.

The Sejm was convened in May 1738. The pre-sejm sejmiks were held in August and September 1738. The proceedings of the Sejm began on October 6, 1738, and ended on November 17, 1738. Kazimierz Rudzieński, the Starost of Kruszwica, was elected the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. No constitutions were passed during the Sejm.

See: H. Palkij, Sejmy 1736 i 1738 roku. U początków nowej sytuacji politycznej w Rzeczypospolitej [Sejms of 1736 and 1738. At the beginning of the new political situation in the Commonwealth], Kraków 2000; W. Konopczyński, Dzieje Polski nowożytnej [The History of Modern Poland], v. 2, Warszawa 1986; H. Olszewski, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej epoki oligarchii (1652-1763). Prawo-praktyka-teoria-programy [The Sejm of the Commonwealth of the age of oligarchy (1652-1763). Law-practice-program-theory], Poznań 1966; J. Michalski, Sejm w czasach saskich [The Sejm in the Saxon Times], in: Historia sejmu polskiego [The History of the Polish Sejm], v. 1, Warszawa 1984, edited by J. Michalski, p. 300-349. Legislation see: Volumina legum, Edited by J. Ohryzko, v. 6, Petersburg 1860, p. 620.