Sejm in Cracow, 1543 Habsburg mission convincing to join the war against the Ottoman Empire

The sejm was called on 30 November 1542 to be held on 21 January 1543. The pre-sejm sejmiks were held in December 1542 and January 1543. The sejm proceedings did not start until 3 February 1543. The subject matters put for discussion were: national defence, union with Lithuania, Royal Prussia, Oświęcim and Zator, rectification of laws and articles. The debate turned to the matter whether Poland should join the war against the Ottoman Empire, which was strongly persuaded by the mission sent by Ferdinand I. Then the deputies deliberated over law enforcement postulates and ecclesiastical courts jurisdiction. The sejm began proceedings on 16 April 1543.

See: A. Dembińska, Zygmunt I. Zarys dziejów wewnętrzno-politycznych w latach 1540-1548 [Sigismund I. Outlines of the inner-political history in period of 1540-1548 ], Poznań 1948; A. Sucheni-Grabowska, Sejm w latach 1540-1587 [1540-1587 Sejms], in: Historia sejmu polskiego [The history of Polish sejm], t. 1, Warszawa 1984, red. J. Michalski, s. 114-216. S. Płaza, A. Sucheni-Grabowska, Z badań nad polskim parlamentaryzmem XVI wieku [Research on Polish parliamentarism in 16th century.], „Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne” , t. XXIV, 1974, z. 1, s. 59-83. Sejm w latach 1540-1587 [1540-1587 Sejms], in: Historia sejmu polskiego [The history of Polish sejm], t. 1, Warszawa 1984, red. J. Michalski, s. 114-216.